1import GoldyBot
 2from .. import goldy
 4class CommandNotFound:
 5    class Embed:
 6        title = "❤️ COMMAND NOT FOUND!"
 7        des = "**❤️ Could not find the command or cog named that.**"
 9class CommandUsage:
10    class Embed:
11        title = "🧡 COMMAND USAGE!"
12        des = "***🧡{}, please use the correct command usage or else goldy ain't understanding you: ``{}``***"
13        thumbnail = ""
14        colour = goldy.colours.AKI_ORANGE
16class CommandNoPerms:
17    class Embed:
18        title = "💔 NO PERMS!"
19        des = "***💔{}, you don't have permission to use this command.***"
20        thumbnail = ""
21        colour = goldy.colours.RED
23class CommandGuildNotRegistered:
24    class Embed:
25        title = "🧡 GUILD NOT REGISTERED!"
26        des = "***🧡{}, this guild is not registered.***"
27        thumbnail = ""
28        colour = goldy.colours.AKI_ORANGE
class CommandNotFound:
5class CommandNotFound:
6    class Embed:
7        title = "❤️ COMMAND NOT FOUND!"
8        des = "**❤️ Could not find the command or cog named that.**"
class CommandNotFound.Embed:
6    class Embed:
7        title = "❤️ COMMAND NOT FOUND!"
8        des = "**❤️ Could not find the command or cog named that.**"
title = '❤️ COMMAND NOT FOUND!'
des = '**❤️ Could not find the command or cog named that.**'
class CommandUsage:
10class CommandUsage:
11    class Embed:
12        title = "🧡 COMMAND USAGE!"
13        des = "***🧡{}, please use the correct command usage or else goldy ain't understanding you: ``{}``***"
14        thumbnail = ""
15        colour = goldy.colours.AKI_ORANGE
class CommandUsage.Embed:
11    class Embed:
12        title = "🧡 COMMAND USAGE!"
13        des = "***🧡{}, please use the correct command usage or else goldy ain't understanding you: ``{}``***"
14        thumbnail = ""
15        colour = goldy.colours.AKI_ORANGE
title = '🧡 COMMAND USAGE!'
des = "***🧡{}, please use the correct command usage or else goldy ain't understanding you: ``{}``***"
thumbnail = ''
colour = 16027660
class CommandNoPerms:
17class CommandNoPerms:
18    class Embed:
19        title = "💔 NO PERMS!"
20        des = "***💔{}, you don't have permission to use this command.***"
21        thumbnail = ""
22        colour = goldy.colours.RED
class CommandNoPerms.Embed:
18    class Embed:
19        title = "💔 NO PERMS!"
20        des = "***💔{}, you don't have permission to use this command.***"
21        thumbnail = ""
22        colour = goldy.colours.RED
title = '💔 NO PERMS!'
des = "***💔{}, you don't have permission to use this command.***"
thumbnail = ''
colour = 16711680
class CommandGuildNotRegistered:
24class CommandGuildNotRegistered:
25    class Embed:
26        title = "🧡 GUILD NOT REGISTERED!"
27        des = "***🧡{}, this guild is not registered.***"
28        thumbnail = ""
29        colour = goldy.colours.AKI_ORANGE
class CommandGuildNotRegistered.Embed:
25    class Embed:
26        title = "🧡 GUILD NOT REGISTERED!"
27        des = "***🧡{}, this guild is not registered.***"
28        thumbnail = ""
29        colour = goldy.colours.AKI_ORANGE
des = '***🧡{}, this guild is not registered.***'
thumbnail = ''
colour = 16027660